Originally posted on Medium
Proxmox has released another update, from 8.1 to 8.2. You can find the release notes here. Here are a few things from the changelog that I found interesting, in no particular order.
New import wizard
Unattended install
A whole host of system fixes and minor version tweaks to patches(see release notes)
If you’re upgrading from 8.1 to 8.2 you can see my blog post on my tech howto blog at https://saltyoldgeek.com, it covers going from Proxmox 8.0 to 8.1, which is the same process when going to 8.2. I’ve used the same procedure to upgrade my cluster. As a precaution whenever doing an upgrade, you’ll want to make sure you have backed up your VMs and LXCs, just in case. So far I haven't run into any issues(famous last words).
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